Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Five Basics to Parenting Success

     This will seem like common knowledge to most people, but some seem to forget or just never realized the importance of basic parenting fundementals. My oldest daughter is only five but I've learned an enormous amount about myself in the few years I've been raising her. Growing up without my mother all of my childhood, and my father for a good portion of it, really instilled into me the value of family. Here are some basics of what I consider to be the foundation of healthy parenting.

1. Love- This is obviously most important and basic gift a parent can share with their child. Not just any love, but unconditional love. The kind that doesn't faulter in harder or more trying times. Always express your love to your child, whether it is by verbally telling them you love them, or by showing them. A good way to show a child you love them is positive reinforcemant for something they've accomplished, or perhaps, didn't accomplish.

2. Communication- Always let your children know it's okay to talk to you and make sure that they know you're listening. Be open to sharing ideas and thoughts with them. This will help with things like problem solving and team work further down the road. A breakdown in communication with your child could be futile to your relationship with him/her so always talk them when possible. Don't forget about how important communication beween parents is in the process.

3. Commitment/Devotion- As parents you're absolutely obligated to raising and protecting your children no matter the cost. Being around physically and emotionally whenever you're needed provides a great sense of security for your child. Staying true to yourself and the family will pay great dividends in the long run. If you're a devoted parent, chances are your children will be too.

4. Trust- A great relatioship between you and your child is built on trust. Be honest with your kids and teach them that only being truthful and honest is acceptable. Make sure your children learn the difference between the truth and a lie, also how lies and deceit can hurt loved ones and others. Having trust in the family makes communication a whole lot easier.

5. Patience- Having patience is an aquired skill, learned through discipline. It is a must as a parent to maintain composure and compassion even when things seem way out of hand. Losing your temper in front of your child can be a sure fire way to make them think that lashing out or being violent is acceptable. Patience will encourage your child to make educated decisions in life and become more resourceful.

In a nutshell this is what parenting is all about. Basically, just being a positive influence on your child by teaching them the important values of life, and practicing what you preach as well.

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